Tuesday, April 19, 2005

And on the same day...... this happened......

HHHmmm..... my second entry in a day...... that's not something you see very often..... I think this entry won't be very long..... not as long as those previous ones...... and so now, lets pull the curtains up and to the side...... this short show is beginning......

I slept late this morning...... but it probably wasn't the real reason I missed class..... I had two alarms..... both which I turned off...... Am I in class yet?!.... NO..... how could that be?!..... I'm not in class..... where am I?...... look

<_< >_> <_< >_> <_< >_> <_> >_<

at home ---> in my room ----> in bed ----> wake up.... wake up.... WAKE UP!!!

*Eyes open slowly*.... "Its time to get up now..... really?".... "But I still feel sleepy and tired..." ..... "LOOK AT THE CLOCK!! Look at the TIME!!"....

"OMG!!! It can't be..... OH no!!"...... "DAMN!!".... "SHIT!!".... "CRAP!!".....

I've missed class..... its one of those days, when your alarm goes off..... your hand moves.... fumbles around..... trying to reach for the thing that is so GOD DAMN IRRITATING AND NOISY.... MUST TURN IT OFF..... and then you do turn it off..... and then back to sleep you go..... and back to sleep you are, as fast as you were awoken by that noise....... and then off..... now I'm back in sleep...... the regret and self-damnation comes later.......

And now for something different......... including the usuals

"A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut
and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to
work, they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things and various
subjects. When they eventually touched on the
subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe
that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to
realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God
exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children? If God
existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I
can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of
these things."

The customer thought for a moment, but didn't
respond because he didn't want to start an

The barber finished his job and the customer left
the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw
a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and
an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer turned back and entered the barber
shop again and he said to the barber: "You know
what? Barbers do not exist."

"How can you say that?" asked the surprised
barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just
worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist
because if they did, there would be no people with
dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man

"Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the
barber. "What happens, is, people do not come to

"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point!
God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people
don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why
there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

If you think God exists, forward this on to other
people---If you think God does not exist, just
delete it!" - Taken from an anonymous source in Friendster

Well I just couldn't hold myself and need to comment on something about this story.... in the second last paragraph, "God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."..... well, I think the people suffering are calling to God.... so, how is that person gonna answer that...... why is there still suffering?! People are calling to God for help...... Its not that I want to attack someone's believe, but some of these stories does not make a whole lot of sense....

I watched, in my opinion, a nicely done movie last Saturday..... an anime movie, Steamboy..... Its the story of a boy named Ray(Rei), who one day receives a package from his grandfather and in the package contains a black ball and some notes along with it. Soon after he receives the package, people from the Ohara group arrives and is after the contents of the package....... I said its nicely done caus the music is really really good, the camera angles are wonderful, the graphics nicely drawn.... however, there is a down part too.... about half of the movie is focused on one subject(which some find a waste as the time slot there could have used to explain certain things further) and the script needs to be tuned a little more(certain dialogue sure feels out of place)....

And so.... all the first assignments have been handed in, together with the price that has to be paid with them.... paid physically, mentally and perhaps spiritually as well..... but wait, there's more..... more assignments that is!!..... need to catch up.... so much to do..... is there enough time?!..... so much drawing..... so much animating..... so much typing..... so much filming..... sooooo mmmmmuuuccchhhh.......

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Pay it..... in full + tax......

For the past week, I've been paying the price for slacking during the Easter holiday.... am still paying it a little now, but not as heavy as last week.... so why I slacked off during Easter..... well, I just did.... even when I told myself that I should be doing work from time to time.... nothing was done.... a bad habit, perhaps.... if you are curious in how I paid the price and in what.... msg me and I'll tell you.... there are things which I cannot type in this blog and don't want to.... to personal to be out here.... a self done censorship review :P

There will be 2 shows, one going on now and another one coming soon..... both which I am interested in but (always the but) the tickets for both of them is quite pricey..... one which cost about AUS$60 and the other AUS$80...... should I still go ahead with it..... or just forget about it..... hhhhmmmm...... all the factors there..... even if I do, will anyone go with me?..... If you're wondering what shows are those, its Cirque du Soleil: Quidam and Secret Garden concert..... hhmmmm.... time to call mum :P.....

Sometimes, I just like to stay up late through the night till the very early hours of the morning, looking at the stars if I can..... around this hours which could be spend sleeping, are the best times to just sit down and do certain things like assignments, drawing, listening to music or chatting with friends.... personally, I like the chatting with friends and a slow, easy listening music in the background.... well....... something I haven't do yet in my new house....... something I haven't done for a long time..... am I considered a sicko for doing so?...... well it all opens up for interpretation for everyone doesn't it..... like most things in the world......

"Its just too much work to do!!" <--- An excuse of laziness or a plea for reason?..... One of the phrase which I have used before many times and I think you have too.... to think back on the times when I used this phrase, was it really too much work for me or was I just lazy.... a desperate answer in desperate times?..... I think, those works back then could actually be finished..... again, I was just slacking off the time I could use for those work then..... all the big ideas not done, cause of insufficient time..... bad habit..... yeah....... :(

Saturday, April 02, 2005

One ends.... but not for all.......

So the Easter holiday week is almost up..... the first assignments for me are all due next week..... yet, none of them are complete yet..... so much time I could have spent on them displaced for something else..... time to catch up then..... if only they can make assignments fun in the future.... but I guess there are some people out there who gets a 'kick' from doing assignments, always begging for more as it gives them ecstasy.... well, the assignments must flow.... and complete them, I must or all else fails....

And as it came flowing like water, it went pass by.... another month gone.... imagine that, just about 31 days ago, I celebrated my birthday, or kinda celebrated.... and now that one month is gone.... and in time, if I live to next year, I could be reminiscing on this again and perhaps again till the day I am no more.... hold on and enjoy those certain days again I would, but if we could all do that, we will never advence.... we won't create new happy days, perhaps happier than the previous... if we just keep on clinging on the ones that are there already..... so onwards to a new one and leave the old as a memory.....

Now for events of the past week..... I had dinner with friends on last Friday evening, friends who I do not see very often anymore.... we had Korean food for that night.... the food was not too bad but I still prefer the Korean food in the restaurant in Box Hill.... some of them went for a movie after dinner.... but I went back after that, not a movie I am interested in and I didn't want to miss the tram back home....

Next.... a tea party.... the day before the DAC marathon, I went for a tea party..... a party held by a LUNASY (La Trobe Uni's anime club) member.... and its also a dressed up party as well.... gothic themed.... so then there a group of people some dressed up, sitting in the park (Bundoora Park by the way) having tea and some snacks.... chatting away, doing crazy stuff.... and there in the party.... I was exposed the card game 'Munchkin'.... which I am kinda addicted to now but still have yet to acquire one for myself yet.... after that, I went back to one of the member's house for some console gaming time.... it comes to no surprise that we eventually play Soul Calibur 2 as well.... did the usual, and then it was time to go.... and then, that was the end for that day......

Well next will be the DAC marathon.... I got there late, something I am still working on.... so as how a typical anime marathon went by.... there was animes, games, chatting, food etc etc..... I only watched a little anime and the rest of my time there was mainly spent playing 'Munchkin' :P ..... people from other clubs showed up, some I know, some I don't.... and I hope to get to know those that I don't yet... by the way, something worth mentioning, on this day, is the day when I've seen the most (prepare/cooked) pizza in one place, there were 52!! yes, 52!!! pizzas in there, all ordered from Dominoes.... well, it manage to amazed a lot of people there, and after we were finished with the pizza, a person from D-ARGH (DAC sister club) came up with the idea to play domino stacking with the Dominoes boxes.... on this day as well, it was the birthday of one of our members, Dan.... we sang the birthday song for him and in the end of the song, the president whacked him with a pizza box and he lands on a nicely stacked pile of Dominoes(empty) pizza boxes, want the video, msg me..... and then all of it came to an end together with the day.... we said farewell, thanked each other and be on our own merry way.....

So there it went a week.... and here I am still thinking for a title for this entry and feeling sleepy.... but I must stay awake for there is still work to be done.... so much much more.... when will it end......