Monday, March 14, 2005

*Pls insert appropriate title here*

Whew.... I can't think of a title this time so please insert what you see fit at the title area.... I can't be bothered about it :P..... Well as you can see, my blogging frequency has gone down now, most probably due to the many other stuff occupying me now.... I think I blog more when I'm feeling down.... maybe I see my blog as somewhere to let out.... somewhere where I feel more comfortable to let out.... perhaps that's quite silly since this blog is read by many..... is it that I want everyone to know my problems.... or is there just no one for me to go tell to..... now, before you come approaching me or sending me a msg saying that you are always there if I need you or I can always tell my problems to you.... think properly, do you really mean what you say? are you really really willing to listen to me? or are you saying cause u think its the right thing to say now?!.....

Ok, now for the events of the past days..... last Friday's anime night, we played Tekken 5, watched some of the ending for the game as well.... Nina's ending was the best :P..... Now with how Uni is going, anime night is something which I look forward to very much more than before.....

Went to the Moomba Water Festival on Saturday night.... its..... quite similiar to last year.... carnivals, food, firreworks show.... played some games in the carnival... one of them was that you have to cover a big red circle on a board by dropping 5 smaller circles on it, failed though... but my friend got a complimentary prize for doing the unconventional method of covering the red circle.... he got a Pooh bear for it.... I was aiming for an orange dragon and I got it by another game, somewhat like a lucky draw game.... in this game, you have to buy cards from them and in each card there are 5 different sets of numbers, all you got to do it to match the numbers on your card to the one on the main board and I got it, it was number 15.... after the fireworks show, me and my friends walk for a bit more and then it was time to go back.... and then there's me who sat in the tram, hugging and falling asleep on my orange dragon in an hour tram ride back home.....the Moomba Water Festival ends tonight.....

It was a hot Sunday afternoon, so I decided to go to the Knox Shopping Centre to get away from the heat even if its for a while..... I reached there at almost closing time, so I did walk around very quickly..... bought a new game, DONKEY KONGA for the Gamecube.... lots of fun with it..... hope some one else has it so they can play with me.... not much fun playing alone though..... ok back to the Knox part.... well since its Sunday and the bus I know of doesn't go to Knox on Sundays so my only known way home was taxi.... unfortunately there was almost none in sight and I figured that I couldn't and didn't want to wait for a long time for another taxi and instead, I try my luck with one of the other buses that goes there..... luckily the bus I got on to stops at a train station, I didn't know which train station it was actually but any train station will be good since its easier for me to go where I want to as all the train lines ends up in the city..... luckilyfor me, the train station the bus stopped at was a train station in the Belgrave line, which is a line that stops in Box Hill as well, which means that I don't need to go down all the way to the city to change train at all, YAY!!.... then from Box Hill I took a bus back home.... now I know that there is a way to go to Knox on Sunday using the public transport.... but it is an indirect route, which I don't think I'll be using very very often in the future.....

Well the Deakin Anime Club (DAC) marathon has been planned last Thursday...... All that is to do now is to wait for the day to come.... its on the 30th of March.... there'll be games, animes, food and etc.... if you're interested, msg me ;).....

In one of my friend's recent blog, he said that one of his friends' committed suicide and made him and me as well wonder why did she(the person who comitted suicide) did it?!.... Even though I am not related to her nor have do I know her, I am still curios into what can drive a person to commit suicide.... is it to an extreme where nothing else in the world ever matters anymore to her.... or is life like a game to her, end it now and then start a new one.... I hope wherever she is now, "Don't regret for what you have as it has already happened and unless some divine power is gonna help you..... Enjoy your new life".... Will my life end like this way too? :/ .... wait, that is all to it, and the answer will come....

and now we have come to the end of this entry.... thank you for your time, thank you for reading..... please drop in a comment or more.... your comments will encourage me to write more.... till the next meeting, good health and happy days to you ;).....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've heard of a story about this guy....i think form 4 or 5...he wanted to borrow some money from his mom to start some " business "...his mom agreed to help..but the family money was controlled by his sister..and his sister did not want to release the money...thus his mom comitted suicide...

sometimes we just dun noe what is going on in other ppl;'s mind...y they have to kill themselves and all...maybe its just that they are really pushed to the brink alraedy and they have no other option..who knows anyway the human heart is too deep to dive into

9:38 pm  
Blogger April said...

to be honest, i use my blog as a place to vent out anger or dissatisfaction and also to express frustration. that kind of stuff.[sometimes happy stuff too] its funny coz its so much more easier for me to let it all out in my blog even when its publicly viewed by others. =P take care.

11:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Chances are the station you speak of is mitchum. Its on both belgrave and Lildale lines.

I have had more friends than I would like be suicidal. No one close has succeeded though. I have quiet a few with visable hesitation marks though.

I common thing that is heard when talking to people who have tried or seriously thinking about suicide is the fact they arent thinking about death.

They just want the pain to stop.
In a wacky way death seems the best way to end the pain of thier existence.

They dont want to die.
They just want to stop hurting.

To be suicidal is to be suffering some form of clinical depression.

Those self pitying thoughts most people have about "it would be better if i wasnt here" arent generally considered suicidal...

Most people lament over existing in some way or another. Wonder what the world would be like if you were gone is a way of defining the way you relate to the world.

The thoughts of revenge "they will all be sorry when im gone" again generally common. But more worrysome...

Its the ones that say "i just want it to stop"... those are the friends to worry about.

2:26 am  
Blogger Psyhun said...

The train station was on one of the train lines only, the Belgrave line..... station name, Boronia......

2:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You went to BORONIA!?!?

thats... thats...

there are buses to mitchum from knox.
its not so far out.
you should look them up if you intend to do it again, could save some time.

2:29 pm  

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