That's All There Is, There Is No More.......
Well, here we are.... the end of the month of February..... All that was needed to be done has been done..... ST convention attended.... University enrolled.... O'Week stall manned.... etc etc etc....
We got about 50 members in DAC at the stall.... hope more will come during the semester, I wish..... and for those who has signed up, ATTEND the screenings!!.... Our first screenings didn't have a great turn out.... why would you pay AUS$5.50 and not use it to its full potential?!.... why not give me the money then?! I assure you, it will be well spent ;) ......
Attended and accidently skipped my first class today :P.... how I skipped it? Well, I couldn't really find the class in the beginning and when I found it, I saw the lecturer wearing a lab coat.... or what I believe to be a lab coat.... and the class I was going to is suppose to be an ARTS subject.... erm... sooo..... WTFH?!.... The class after that was 'digital construction', hmmm.... its possibly I'm gonna like this subject.....
Finnally as well, I've officially and physically as well as spiritually moved into my new house yesterday.... At last, everything is where they're suppose to be with just some more things to wait on.... Well, still waiting for an Internet connection for the house. We got the equipment, now we need the connection.... We've got the new TV too.... Hoping the agent will come and change our current screwed up washing machine.... and later perhaps we'll get a dryer too since winter is coming....
Well of course getting the house ready is draining those pieces of valueble papar in the bank away....and they're draining away quite fast.... and before we get a chance to kiss or embrace them.... BYE BYE, they're gone.... like me now.... until the next blog then.... now soon comes.... my birthday in a few hours time...... my god, I'm getting old :P.....