Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Saturday, A Flashback

For this post, we shall now travel back in time.... back to the time that was Saturday, 8th Jan 2005.... why are we travelling back and why am I posting something about Saturday while today is Tuesday?! BECAUSE I SAY SO AND THIS IS MY BLOG!! :P .... Saturday was the day when I went to Nilai again to meet Jason, Jason Lee..... I went there earlier this time cause of some certain work we had to do (and no its NOT sex u perverted ^$%&&%@#$).... I arrived at his place feeling sleepy cause that morning I woke up early for no reason, was supposed to make passport but it wasn't the right day.... so at his place we ate, we played (NO! still not sex), we watched (NOT porn either), gave him a present..... Then I slept (NO advantage taking scene!)..... then he slept.... then we had dinner and I went back..... and after that day, I learned a few things, a few more things about Jason, the place he stays, about the busses there, the train to there etc etc.... everyday is a learning day, and with each thing u learned, it will be useful for future reference, how u use the reference is up to you but do not misuse it for it will return.............. so thanx again Jason for having me there, it is fun to be with u and fun is what we should look forward to more............


Blogger Jason Lee said...

yo it was fun havin u here too, and thx for the present + anime again hehe..... soryr i couldnt come online much and chat, you know me busy busy... till then take care ya and nice tat youre finally havin a blog

1:27 pm  
Blogger Psyhun said...

Even chatting with u just for a while a day is enough for me......... again, thanx sooooo much........

4:39 am  

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